The first week of school was like the first ridge of a long journey up a mountain. It’s always gonna be the hardest to go over. Although Javascript in a way is similar to other languages we learned in previous semesters it was also very different. Throughout the week I was able to experience the different natures that this language has to offer. It was also my first time learning a script language so it was quite intriguing seeing the different types of code and syntax we used.
The athletic software engineering is an excellent way of practice good. As stated in class we should see this class as a way to build upon a skill similar to any sports we have to practice to get better. I find the practice WODs to be very helpful. Great way to practice for the in class WODs as well as learning. However, I won’t say that the in class WODs aren’t stressful. Sometimes when you see the time ticking you just can’t think of anything but I guess practice will only improve upon that. I think that it’ll work out for me as long as I get the practice and quality hours of learning.
The FreeCodeCamp was also an excellent way to refresh and also learn. As I said before Javascript was similar to some of the previous languages we learned. I’ve also always wanted to dabble in web development so I am pretty excited about learning more in this course. I am not scared but curious to see where we will all be after the end of this course.