To begin I would like to say this is one of the best classes I have ever taken during my time at UH. Not only did this course challenge me but I also had a lot of fun and learned a lot during this semester. ICS 314 provides a spectrum of topics that are vital for your software engineering career. Some of the fundamental concepts that I found interesting were Functional Programming, Development Environments and Ethics in Software Engineering.
Functional Programming was one of our first topics where my mind was really blown. This module taught us functions can be used as data, arguments, and return values. Not only is this super powerful and efficient when coding but I think one of its best qualities is how clear and concise it is when reading the code. I will definitely be implementing this paradigm into my own projects and work.
IDEs. Although we have been using different IDEs throughout our semesters in our ICS career. This module taught me how to maximize the use of IDEs which came with setting up, keybinding, and just plain proficiency of just knowing different IDEs. I found the IDEs we used for this course specifically Intellij became my favorite development environment I have used so far. I found Intellij to be a good development environment and the perfect tool when we were learning difficult topics and made it an easier process to learn. I have come to realize that having a good development environment is very important in improving efficiency, performance, and literacy.
Ethics in Software Engineering was probably my favorite and most important module we had. During this topic I really asked myself many questions. Is this following under ACM Code of Ethics? The question of right or wrong? Avoiding personal over professional and vice versa. I also really enjoyed the in class case study we conducted. I haven’t really experienced something like that and it was something fresh and new. With all the new and emerging technologies we have on a daily basis this module made me realize that we have the power to act responsibly.